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Capybara driver for Ruby on Rails application

playwright-ruby-client is a client library just for browser automation, while Rails uses Capybara for system testing.

capybara-playwright-driver provides a Capybara driver based on playwright-ruby-client and makes it easy to integrate into Ruby on Rails applications.


Add the line below into Gemfile:

gem 'capybara-playwright-driver'

and then bundle install.

Note that capybara-playwright-driver does not depend on Selenium. But selenium-webdriver is also required on Rails 5.x, 6.0

Register and configure Capybara driver

Capybara.register_driver(:playwright) do |app|,
browser_type: :chromium, # :chromium (default) or :firefox, :webkit
headless: false, # true for headless mode (default), false for headful mode.

Update timeout

Capybara sets the default value of timeout to 2 seconds. Generally it is too short to wait for HTTP responses.

It is recommended to set the timeout to 15-30 seconds for Playwright driver.

Capybara.default_max_wait_time = 15

(Optional) Update default driver

By default, Capybara driver is set to :rack_test, which works only with non-JS contents. If your Rails application has many JavaScript contents, it is recommended to change the default driver to :playwright.

Capybara.default_driver = :playwright
Capybara.javascript_driver = :playwright

It is not mandatry. Without changing the default driver, you can still use Playwright driver by specifying Capybara.current_driver = :playwright (or driven_by :playwright in system spec) explicitly.

(reference) Available driver options

These parameters can be passed into

  • playwright_cli_executable_path
  • browser_type
    • :chromium (default), :firefox, or :webkit
  • Parameters for Playwright::BrowserType#launch
    • args
    • channel
      • chrome, msedge, chrome-beta, chrome-dev, chrome-canary, msedge-beta, msedge-dev Browser distribution channel. Read more about using Google Chrome & Microsoft Edge
    • devtools
    • downloadsPath
    • env
    • executablePath
    • firefoxUserPrefs
    • headless
    • ignoreDefaultArgs
    • proxy
    • slowMo
    • timeout
  • Parameters for Playwright::Browser#new_context
    • bypassCSP
    • colorScheme
    • deviceScaleFactor
    • extraHTTPHeaders
    • geolocation
    • hasTouch
    • httpCredentials
    • ignoreHTTPSErrors
    • isMobile
    • javaScriptEnabled
    • locale
    • noViewport
    • offline
    • permissions
    • proxy
    • record_har_omit_content
    • record_har_path
    • record_video_dir
    • record_video_size
    • screen
    • serviceWorkers
    • storageState
    • timezoneId
    • userAgent
    • viewport
driver_opts = {
# `playwright` command path.
playwright_cli_executable_path: './node_modules/.bin/playwright',

# Use firefox for testing.
browser_type: :firefox,

# Headful mode.
headless: false,

# Slower operation
slowMo: 50, # integer. (50-100 would be good for most cases)
}, driver_opts)

Available functions and Limitations

Capybara DSL

Most of the methods of Capybara::Session and Capybara::Node::Element are available. However the following method is not yet implemented.

  • Capybara::Node::Element#drop

Playwright-native scripting

We can also describe Playwright-native automation script using with_playwright_page and with_playwright_element_handle.

# With Capybara DSL

# With Playwright-native Page
Capybara.current_session.driver.with_playwright_page do |page|
# `page` is an instance of Playwright::Page.'a[data-item-type="global_search"]')
all('.list-item').each do |li|
# With Capybara::Node::Element method
puts li.all('a').first.text

# With Playwright-native ElementHandle
puts li.with_playwright_element_handle do |handle|
# `handle` is an instance of Playwright::ElementHandle

Generally, Capybara DSL seems simple, but Playwright-native scripting are more precise and efficient. Also waitForNavigation, waitForSelector, and many other Playwright functions are available with Playwright-native scripting.

Screen recording

NO NEED to keep sitting in front of screen during test. Just record what happened with video.

For example, we can store the video for Allure report as below:

before do |example|
Capybara.current_session.driver.on_save_screenrecord do |video_path|
name: "screenrecord - #{example.description}",
type: Allure::ContentType::WEBM,
test_case: true,


For more details, refer Recording video

Screenshot just before teardown

In addition to Capybara::Session#save_screenshot, capybara-playwright-driver have another method for storing last screen state just before teardown.

For example, we can attach the screenshot for Allure report as below:

before do |example|
Capybara.current_session.driver.on_save_raw_screenshot_before_reset do |raw_screenshot|
name: "screenshot - #{example.description}",
source: raw_screenshot,
type: Allure::ContentType::PNG,
test_case: true,


  • Playwright doesn't allow clicking invisible DOM elements or moving elements. click sometimes doesn't work as Selenium does. See the detail in
  • current_window.maximize and current_window.fullscreen work only on headful (non-headless) mode, as selenium driver does.
  • Capybara::Node::Element#drag_to does not accept html5 parameter. HTML5 drag and drop is not fully supported in Playwright.